Children’s Occupational Therapy

Provided by:

Bromley Healthcare


For all children (universal)

For children with additional needs:

A referral is required.

What they provide for children

Ages: birth to 18

For all children (universal)

Help for families and professionals

  • This website
  • Advice leaflets such as for requests for standardised assessments of handwriting
  • Training videos on pre-writing skills, knife & fork skills, zip skills and buttons skills

Help for professionals

  • Termly training or team meetings by Occupational Therapy with SEND Advisory and Teaching Teams
  • Occupational Therapy Resource Pack contains activity sheets, strategies and equipment resources to support common functional difficulties, such as handwriting, balance, dressing and cutlery skills, handwriting for families and professionals

Contact Care Coordination Centre for queries in relation to Speech and Language Therapy which is open from 9am-5pm Monday to Friday – email or call 0300 330 5777

    For some children (targeted)

    Children will be offered appropriate elements from the offer below that meet their identified needs:

    • Functional Skills Clinic: comprises assessment, treatment, advice and guidance. Strategies are given to address area of need. Usually based in Phoenix Centre. Sample of the problem or issue, such as handwriting needs to be provided.
    • Joint coordination assessment with Physiotherapy when needed.
    • As a minimum, children under five with sensory processing needs are triaged by phone.
    • Occupational Therapist to do video assessments on sensory issues affecting activities of daily living such as using a spoon.
    • New requests for Education, Health and Care needs assessments of Occupational Therapy need as part of process of requesting an Education, Health and Care plan.
    • Modelling Occupational Therapy interventions with parents, Teaching Assistants and children.

    A referral is needed to access these services.

      For a few children (specialist)

      Children will be offered appropriate elements from the offer below that meet their identified needs:

      • Detailed needs assessment, advice and provision to meet health needs in Section G of Education, Health and Care plans.
      • Contribution to Education, Health and Care plan annual reviews for Occupational Therapy provision in Section G (Health) of the plans.
      • Attend and provide expert advice at Tribunals when required.
      • Joint working with other therapies Physiotherapy and Speech & Language Therapy as required for needs, such as seating.
      • Review a child’s Occupational Therapy needs including equipment to support their health need.
      • Multiagency meetings or assessment and liaison with other professionals, including attending safeguarding meetings.
      • Provide motor assessment clinics at Phoenix Centre.
      • Assessment for specialist equipment at school.
      • Block of Occupational Therapy for acquired disease, such as stroke, cancer and car accident. Therapy is tailored to needs of child.
      • Work with the Council’s Social Care Occupational Therapy service to support children who are discharged from hospital or those children who are receiving continuing care.
      • 1:1 session assessment and review with named therapist for pupils in Marjorie McClure and Riverside special schools setting and support in home. Each setting gets 1 day a week of Occupational Therapy staff onsite term time only.

      A referral is needed to access these services.

      How to make a referral

      Referrals must be made via the Care Coordination Centre (CCC):

      Professionals can also make a referral via the Single Point of Entry form on EMIS.

      Referral triaged by Occupational Therapy within 5 working days of receipt.  Referrals are discharged with advice or support, signposted or referred to other services, or provided Targeted and/or Specialist offer.

      Following assessment, a child may be given advice and discharged or remain on caseload for targeted and/or specialist support depending on complexity of need.

      All children will be discharged to a universal level when no further new advice or assessment is needed.

      Intervention will be offered according to clinical need.

      Children can move between targeted and specialist provision depending on need, as assessed by the Occupational Therapist.

      Contact details


      0300 330 5777


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