Children’s Physiotherapy
Provided by:
Bromley Healthcare
For all children (universal)
For children with additional needs:
- For some children (targeted)
- For a few children (specialist)
A referral is required.
For all children (universal)
For children with additional needs:
- For some children (targeted)
- For a few children (specialist)
A referral is required.
What they provide for pre-school aged children
Ages: birth to 4
For all children (universal)
Help for families and professionals
- This website
- Assessment or advice through monthly drop in clinic – accessed via health visitor signposting at Blenheim Children and Family Centre and Community Vision Children and Family Centre
- Advice leaflets and links to useful sites
- Postural management webinars
Help for professionals
- Termly training or team meeting with SEND Advisory and Teaching Teams as and when required
Training webinar on referrals for under 5’s for pre-school, health and care professionals:
Contact Care Coordination Centre for queries in relation to Speech and Language Therapy which is open from 9am-5pm Monday to Friday – email or call 0300 330 5777
For some children (targeted)
Children will be offered appropriate elements from the offer below that meet their identified needs:
- Clinic assessment (within 8 weeks of receipt of referral) usually based in Phoenix Centre
- 1 to 1 focused blocks 4-6 weeks for specific clinic need, such as post-operative or learning wheelchair skills in clinic or school
- One-to-one follow up clinic appointment according to need
A referral is needed to access these services.
For a few children (specialist)
- Detailed Education, Health and Care needs assessment
- Contribution to Education, Health and Care plan annual reviews as required
- Postural or physical management programme which are tailored to the needs of child
- Multiagency meetings, assessment and liaison with other professionals including safeguarding meetings
- 1:1 session in pre-school setting, sensory room or home to support continued management
- Specialist posture and mobility equipment provision and management for home use – advice and support for school use
- Cerebral Palsy Integrated Pathway joint range assessment for children with Cerebral Palsy every 6 months until age 6 years then seen annually in Phoenix Centre
- Orthotics Clinic at Phoenix Centre fortnightly
- Summer term prior to school start – support transition to school when require
- Support to special needs playgroup to run Phyzzycoms group
What they provide for school aged children
Ages: 5 to 18
For all children (universal)
- This website
- Assessment or advice through monthly drop in clinic – accessed via health visitor signposting at Blenheim Children and Family Centre and Community Vision Children and Family Centre
- Advice leaflets and links to useful sites
- Postural management webinars
- Termly training or team meetings with SEND Advisory and Teaching Teams as and when required
For some children (targeted)
Children will be offered appropriate elements from the offer below that meet their identified needs:
- Clinic assessment (within 8 weeks of receipt of referral) usually based in Phoenix Centre
- 1 to 1 focused blocks 4-6 weeks for specific clinic need, such as post-operative or learning wheelchair skills in clinic or school
- One-to-one follow up clinic appointment according to need
A referral is needed to access these services.
For a few children (specialist)
Children will be offered appropriate elements from the offer below that meet their identified needs:
- Detailed Education, Health and Care needs assessment.
- Contribution to Education, Health and Care plan annual reviews as required.
- Joint working with other therapies, such as Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language Therapy and wheelchair service, as required.
- Postural or physical management programme – with advice and activities prescribed based on child’s needs.
- Multiagency meetings, assessment and liaison with other professionals, including safeguarding meetings.
- 1:1 session assessment and review with named physio and visit to any school working with educational staff to support continued management, as required.
- Specialist posture and mobility equipment provision and management for home use – advice and support for school use.
- Cerebral Palsy Integrated Pathway joint range assessment for children with Cerebral Palsy 6 monthly until age 6 years, then annually in Phoenix Centre or special school.
- Physiotherapy support going into Marjorie McClure and Riverside special schools, with 3 days a week at each school (term time only).
- Orthotics clinic in Phoenix Centre fortnightly.
A referral is needed to access these services.
How to make a referral
Referrals must be made via the Care Coordination Centre (CCC):
- Email
- Call 0300 330 5777
Professionals can also make a referral via the Single Point of Entry form on EMIS.
The referral triaged by Physiotherapy within 2 working days of receipt. Referrals are discharged with advice or support, signposted or referred to other services, or provided Targeted and/or Specialist offer.
Following assessment, a child may be given advice and discharged or remain on caseload for targeted and/or specialist support depending on complexity of need.
All children will be discharged to a universal level when no further new advice or assessment is needed.
Intervention will be offered according to clinical need.
Children can move between targeted and specialist provision depending on need, as assessed by the Physiotherapist.
Contact details
0300 330 5777