Pre-school children:
Advice and activities

Tips and activities

Parental mental health and parent wellbeing

Whether you’re an overwhelmed new parent or juggling work with entertaining a toddler we are here for you with this collection of advice for parental mental health and parent wellbeing.

Emotional development in children

All about how children express and process emotions, from toddler tantrums to childhood fears. Find loads of tips and advice on understanding children’s emotional development, behaviour and wellbeing.

8 wellbeing activities to help boost your toddler’s mental health

Amanda Trainer (aka Mrs Brain Trainer) shares eight of her favourite activities to help you and your child let go of your worries and boost your mood.

10 reasons why music is great for your child (and you too)

When you’re singing, swaying and shimmying with your little one, you might not be thinking about all the good it’s doing you and your baby.

But everyday musical experiences are full of benefits for us all.

Activity inspiration for all ages

Fun activities and things to do with your child to help with their communication skills.

Almost any daily activity is a chance to talk, bond and have fun with your child. They’re also proven to help your child’s development, from newborn to 5 years.

On the website you can select the correct age range for your child for tailored activities and ideas.

Look Say Sing Play

Right from birth, every time you play with your child, use silly voices, or even sing, you’re not just bonding, you’re building their brain.

Get free brain-building tips from the NSPCC.

Supporting children who display difficult behaviour

There are lots of possible reasons for difficult behaviour in toddlers and young children. Often it’s just because they’re tired, hungry, over-excited, frustrated or bored.

If problem behaviour is causing you or your child distress, or upsetting the rest of the family, it’s important to deal with it.

Bromley Healthcare provide a range of information to support children who are displaying:

  • hitting, biting, kicking and fighting behaviours
  • Temper Tantrums

You could also visit the Family Lives website for more advice on tantrums, or phone their free helpline for parents on 0808 800 2222.

Emotion regulation in young children

Self-regulation is the ability to manage your emotions and behaviour related to the demands of the situation.

It includes being able to resist highly emotional responses to upsetting situations, to calm yourself down when you get upset, to adjust to a change in expectations, and to handle frustration without an outburst.

It is important that we remember that these skills are still developing in the early years. We can support our children in the early years by supporting them to understand and recognise their emotions, this is called co-regulation.

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