Baby and toddlers
Birth to 2 years 6 months
There are certain things that any parent or family member can do to help a child right from their birth.
We have provided below a range of different tips, advice and sources of information that we know can help.
Things you can do

Talk to your child about what you are doing

Keep language simple – use 1 to 2 words

Use natural gestures to match your talking

Copy their actions

Play peek-a-boo games

Sing songs and rhymes
Be inspired
Useful sources of inspiration, ideas and examples of things that work.
Nursery rhymes, songs and music for babies
BBC Tiny Happy People
Children’s language learning
BBC Tiny Happy People
Tools for Talking (for those aged 18-24 months)
BBC Tiny Happy People
Speech and language needs and disabilities
BBC Tiny Happy People
20 fun toddler and baby nursery rhymes
Mother and Baby
Through the eyes of a child
The Communication Trust has produced 4 films to help parents encourage their children’s communication development.
Narrated by comedian Kathy Burke, the films are full of useful advice on how parents can encourage their child to talk and how they can interact with them.
Video 1
For children aged between birth and 6 months
Video 2
For children aged between 6 months and 1 year
Video 3
For children aged between 1 and 2 years
Video 4
For children aged between 2 and 3 years
Ages and Stages Questionnaire and Early Language Identification tool
Your Health Visitor will use the Ages and Stages Questionnaire and Early Language Identification tool at your child’s 2-year check.
You may find it useful to read through the tool to gain an understanding of the process and tools that your Health Visitor will use.