
2 years 6 months to 4 years

Your child’s language and understanding of the world around them develops as they reach preschool age.

The adults around them should continue to help their knowledge and skills grow.

We’ve included some ideas of things that can.

Things you can do

Use language and gestures to talk about everyday activities

Play games and encourage your child to take turns and share

Use sentences that mirror or slightly extend your child’s talking

Continue to enjoy action songs and rhymes

Share books and talk about the pictures

Talk about the past and the future together

Be inspired

Useful sources of inspiration, ideas and examples of things that work.


A collection of activities and things to do with children aged 2-3 years old


BBC Tiny Happy People


A collection of activities and things to do with children aged 3-4 years old


BBC Tiny Happy People


Play the tomorrow game


BBC Tiny Happy People


Talk about the past


BBC Tiny Happy People


Encourage good speech




How to be a super communicator


BBC Tiny Happy People

Playful ways to encourage speech and language development

Famly have produced 10 simple communication and language activities which, although aimed at formal settings, will be useful for parents and other adults in the child’s life.

A video from Famly of 5 simple communication and language activities:

Ages and Stages Questionnaire and Early Language Identification tool

Your Health Visitor will use the Ages and Stages Questionnaire and Early Language Identification tool at your child’s 2-year check.

You may find it useful to read through the tool to gain an understanding of the process and tools that your Health Visitor will use.

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