Speech, language and communication
Additional help, support and advice for those children who need it

Some children who have additional needs need more support than their peers. This is often provided in their school or pre-school setting. Families provide an essential role in supporting their child as part of this collective of support.
Videos to learn more
These videos have been made by Bromley Healthcare for parents and professionals across Bromley.
Stammering training
For parents
Stammering training
For professionals
Speech disorders
Selective mutism
Active listening and barrier games
Word finding and memory difficulties
Support in education settings
Schools and pre-school settings will use the borough’s speech, language and communication toolkit with information and resources related to SLCN.
SLCN toolkit
The SLCN toolkit gives professionals a strong knowledge base and the confidence to identify and support all pupils with SLCN. It is also useful for parents to read through and understand.
SLCN padlet
Additional support is available on the Communication Champions SLCN Padlet which provides advice on specific topics and useful resources along with parent guidance and support.
Who to talk to
If you are worried about your child’s speech and language, you can:
Talk to your child’s pre-school or school SENCO
Talk to your child’s health visitor, GP, pre-school or school