Young adults

16 to 25 years

Communication skills are fundamental for social participation, access to work and training and positive mental health.

Key adults can help prepare young people for adulthood, including community participation, skills for work, self-advocacy and supporting access to adult services.

Things you can do

Help the young adult understand their communication strengths and needs as well as who and how they can ask for help.

Help them to prepare an ‘about me’ profile and practice conversation skills so they have ideas of what to say socially and in interviews.

Create opportunities for the young adult to use their communication skills in the community, such as ordering in a café or asking for help at the station.

Support the young person to start solving problems more independently. Talk through during practice tasks, then start practising in day to day life.

Help them to think of what to type into search engines and practice searching for useful information e.g. NHS health advice, bus times, opening hours. Talk about reliable sources of online information and how to check for ‘fake news’ and scams.

If they are able, teach the days of the week and months of the year, and telling the time using a 24 hour clock (e.g. 16.25 is 4.25pm) which will help the young adult to make plans and travel more easily.

Be inspired

Useful sources of inspiration, ideas and examples of things that work.


Free communication passport guidance and templates 


CALL Scotland


BBC – spotting fake news and being social media smart


BBC Bitesize


Local service –
Bromley Mencap


Local service –

Help and advice

Asking for help

It’s important for young people to recognise when they have not understood and to ask for help when they need it.

Transition profile

Download a Transition Information passport to capture your speech, language and communication needs and tips.

You can either type directly onto the document or print it out and hand write on it.

Helping post-16 learners with language difficulties

Advice and tips for school or college staff to help post-16 learners with language difficulties.

16+ Education, Training and Employment Route Planner

This guide will help you to think about the range of education and training options available to you and the education route that might be most suitable to meet your needs and interests.

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